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Fiona Fallon

Health Kinesiologist
Fiona Fallon - Health Kinesiologist
Fiona Fallon BA KFRP MFHT


I'm a Health Kinesiologist with full professional membership of the Kinesiology Federation and Federation of Holistic Therapists. Qualifying in 2009, I continue each year to build on my training and skills in order to offer the best service to my clients.


Life is full of challenges which upset our balance and affect our well-being. This may manifest broadly in poor health, emotional difficulties, fatigue, anxiety, inability to cope with stress, or feeling below par and lacking direction or motivation in life. In Health Kinesiology muscle response testing is used to identify and address the underlying energy imbalances behind our health issues in order to restore well-being and quality of life. 


Health Kinesiology can help release one from many limiting conditions e.g. it can: relieve stress and anxiety; be used to identify food sensitivities and nutritional needs; restore balance to digestive or hormonal disturbances; improve sleep quality; increase energy and vitality; boost performance, immunity and healing ability, and much more – in short, it can help in almost any situation as there are as many issues as there are individuals, so each session is tailored to the individual and whatever is needed to bring them into balance at that point in time. Overall, with Health Kinesiology we can become more aligned with our true selves, find more balance and harmony in our lives and develop resilience in coping with life's challenges.  


I live with my partner in the beautiful countryside near Frome and in my free time enjoy practising yoga, which I also teach at local venues. Iyengar Yoga and Health Kinesiology are my passions in life, as well as friends and family. 


Please visit my website or give me a call if you would like to know more or to book an appointment. 

Call 07717 762402

Contact me via email


Disclaimer: All practitioners at the Frome Therapy Rooms act solely in their capacity as independent self employed professionals. The Frome Therapy Rooms cannot be held liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages arising out of any advice, diagnosis, course of treatment and/or any other information or services offered.

© Frome Therapy Rooms 2025

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